Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day

By Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Alliance hosted by CrowdDoing (other events)

Wednesday, October 13 2021 9:00 AM 6:00 PM PDT

Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day- October 13th 2021: Schedule

Hosted by CrowdDoing Wildfire Prevention Derivatives

(Registration is free). 

9:00am to 9:10am Pacific: Introduction - Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Introduction of Principles. Introductory video pre-released ahead of the event- 3 minutes by Bobby Fishkin- 

9:10am - 10:40am Pacific: Early Wildfire Detection, Home Hardening & Defensible Space demos, interviews and panel discussion part 1 [recorded] 

Moderator: James Dudfield, Principle of SVT Group

10:40am to 11:50am Pacific: Workshop on natural ways to increase hydration of the landscape, drought reduction, increasing rainfall, and other means to achieve catastrophic wildfire prevention through water restoration mechanisms.   Rehydrate the planet via participating in a year-round “a global water network” led by 

12:00 to 1pm Pacific [recorded]  Workshop on CrowdDoing's Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Derivatives- 

CrowdDoing is launching a year-round virtual Global Alliance for Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention motivated by shared values.  We extend an open invitation for participation (See below for details on principles and impact aspirations). In our workshop we will:

  • Demonstrate the acute need for proactive wildfire risk prevention in contrast to a traditional reactive approach
  • Advance a risk prevention strategy through improving the understanding of the concept of shared value wildfire prevention. This approach can leverage self-interest to scale a risk prevention strategy.
  • Identify and vet strategies for combinations of wildfire risk prevention and mitigation with subject matter experts with deep knowledge. The goal is to evaluate approaches that optimize outcomes that can be achieved for the stakeholders who share the risks and benefits of preventive, regenerative risk reduction strategies. 
  • Facilitate collaboration to make it possible to finance wildfire prevention and effectively deploy it to serve the financial needs of all stakeholders.
  • Provide service learning for all participants
  • Build bridges between the cost-benefits analysis community-of-practice, the social innovation sector, and the insurance/reinsurance sector and the wildfire prevention systems change sector. 
  • Establish how the cost of inaction can be guaranteed against and used as a means to finance the opportunity for action to prevent wildfire risks. We aim to show how liabilities caused by inaction, in combination with assets reserved for future risk, can be used to pay for the cost of prevention and adaptation.

You can see background on CrowdDoing's Wildfire Prevention Derivatives in this documentation recap, and this video recap


1pm -2pm Pacific  Catastrophic Wildfire prevention and mitigation through social innovation [recorded]: 

Moderator: Teal Brown Zimring, Galvanize Partners

Bob Hambrecht of Allotrope Partners/ Anderson Biomass Depot (ABC).  ABC delivers "biomass fuel to multiple plants in NorCal [that can contribute to wildfire prevention through WUI fuel load reduction]. "Electrification of on-site chipping can reduce operating costs and emissions by +/-75%."  Bob Hambrecht will address " The Physical Realities of Forest and Biomass Management." 

Shanna Mcintyre, Delos," Delos provides insurance for low-risk homes in wildfire areas because we’re the only company that knows which homes are actually low-risk."

Carlos Souza of  institute Imazon "PhD Geography and Master Soil Sciences, Director of App Solutions and Researcher Associate at Imazon Institute that launched the PrevisIA plataform A.I. to prevent deforestation in the Amazon. Imazon (Institute of Man and Environment of the Amazon). Carlos coordinates the Imazon Geotechnology Center (CGI), coordinate the Amazon Monitoring program and conducts research in the areas of remote sensing and geoprocessing."

Rob Kaimowitz, Nexteon (formerly Route Dynamics) for wind and weather prediction that can help improve wildfire prevention. 

Ecological data for landscape management & wildfire risk simulation & mitigation.

2pm-3pm :   [recorded]  Ecological data for landscape management & wildfire risk simulation & mitigation.

Moderator: Yangbo Du- Innovo/Project 1948/ New York Energy Week

Kyle Gertridge of Salo Sciences & Forest ObservatorySalo Sciences develops solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss.We guide investments in natural climate solutions—conservation, restoration & improved land stewardship—by leveraging satellite data, ecological modeling & artificial intelligence. Think of us as ecologists, environmentalists & technologists.

Sudarshan Sridharan  Fion Technologies   Fion’s machine learning model packages highly accurate fire prediction & detection, spread prediction and destruction estimation into custom dashboards...for forestry services, financial institutions and insurance companies. “Detect fires when they start. Stop them before they start. Fion’s machine learning model packages highly accurate fire prediction & detection, spread prediction and destruction estimation into custom dashboards for fire departments, forestry services, financial institutions and insurance companies.”

Michael DeJesus &  Peter Weaver from  Orbital Sidekick. (OSK) has announced " the upcoming launch of its newest and most powerful hyperspectral imaging satellite: "Aurora." Aurora leverages OSK's previous experience collecting and analyzing hyperspectral data to provide action-oriented insights on the world around us, with a broad focus on sustainability. The Aurora satellite will serve OSK's customers ... [including] wildfire risk mitigation."

Josh Harrison, Co-Director, Center for the Study of the the Force Majeure, UC Santa Cruz, "The Living Forests project is designed to promote ecological function by selectively cutting young, small diameter trees, restoring ground cover and leaving all the big old trees to preserve variable forest structure. Forests supply and regulate 2/3rds of California's water, yet the focus during the drought is on the demand side, e.g., water conservation. We pay too little attention to protecting the supply of water at its source and the designed response to this new flood drought cycle is clearly insufficient.

Tammy Nichols Schwartz of Black Swan Analytics LLC. Black Swan Analytics LLC's fire risk assessment provides a fire composite score that allows insurance carriers to price wildfire exposures according to the actual wildfire risk present at each specific property location.

Scott Conway of Vibrant Planet Vibrant Planet harnesses data driven science and cloud-based technology to help make communities and ecosystems more resilient in the face of climate change.
Our goal is to help planners and policy makers save lives, avoid trillions of dollars in infrastructure loss, and restore the ability of natural systems to store carbon, deliver clean water, and support biodiversity, local economies, and recreational habits.

3pm - 4pm PST Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Technology- Open Format Microsoft Teams Dialogue of All Practitioners Invited- Private- Future of Global Catastrophic Wildfire Alliance & allied networks & ecosystems in collaboration.  (Private by invitation only for speakers, pracitioners and panelists)

4-6 PST Public Clubhouse chat co-hosted with CrowdDoing’s #SystemsChange Club, co-hosted by Jetfire Xin of Fire TerminatorSudarshan Sridharan of Fion TechnologiesClaudia BrennerCrowdDoing Prevention Derivatives Principle Investigator, Misha TeverovskyYangbo DuGoutam SinhaCharlie BarronCrowdDoing

Another wildfire prevention social innovator will be pre-interviewed in advance of the event and included in the latter part of the day to be time zone inclusive: Andre CheungRobotic Cats:  pre-event interview-  [recorded]  “AI-powered tools …. to mitigate wildfire risks and protect natural carbon sequestration resources: - wildfire detection robots to protect national parks and forests in Asia, Europe, Central & South America. - SaaS empowers surveillance cameras to detect bushfire near properties - mobile app for everyday people to report fires in seconds and receive real-time wildfire alerts. Our customers are using our tools to protect forests and communities in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, and Greece.“

We have created a pre-event recorded interview with Andre Cheung of Robotic Cats here. 

CrowdDoing's Wildfire Prevention Derivatives is partnering with Wonder Labs to mark the Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day and launch the Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Alliance. Wonder labs was co-founded by Shefali Juneja Lakhina, PhD and Anukool Lakhina, PhD

14-minute video presentation by Wonder Labs on investing in wildfire prevention innovation, nature-based solutions and global collaboration.  Allying on global catastrophic wildfire prevention medium blog on "fire tech" those who prefer a quick 7-minute read prepared by Wonder Labs. 

Would you or your organization like to present/speak/join a panel/create a workshop/sponsor an event on Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day? See below:

In honor of the United Nation's International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction (October 13th), CrowdDoing is taking on the goal of creating  Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day. CrowdDoing is initiating this survey to gather ecosystem participation both for this day's events and for ongoing work on this issue in collaboration with CrowdDoing.

We'll keep the form open and not consider the agenda locked until October 5th. 
Timeline: September 26th/September 27th- Publish event listing
September- October 5th at midnight- agenda is the deadline for submissions.
October 5th agenda is locked. 
Know of someone who would be great for this agenda? Fill in the form above or email [email protected]

We share with the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction the mission of catastrophic wildfire mitigation. CrowdDoing is therefore organizing research, collaboration and network participation aligned to the recognition of this event. Collaborate with us to help get wildfire prevention to the scale needed to address global catastrophic wildfire disaster risk reduction.

Our immediate aspiration is a virtual symposium of experts, innovators, and stakeholders to recognize “Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day” and the “Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Alliance”. We think this can also be organized as a catastrophic wildfire prevention hackathon organized on community-scale . We are introducing “Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day” - as a "holiday within a holiday" or a “holiday aligned to a holiday.” or “day of recognition."  We're organizing a symposium-level event with virtual sessions with expert speakers and cross-sector stakeholders to highlight some of the most value-added, innovative solutions for preventing wildfires. People from diverse disciplines and areas of expertise can help us better understand the value created for stakeholders in every wildfire we prevent.

We have identified stakeholders who share interests that include corporate interests aligned to wildfire prevention, government agencies that should in the future collaborate better on wildfire prevention, citizen science for catastrophic wildfire prevention measures, and a research network. Our goal is for all such efforts collectively to reach the scale required for catastrophic wildfire prevention. We think recognizing the International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction and Global Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Day would help to make this feasible. Aligned to this we plan on interviews, possibly surveys and collaborative design sessions, and other types of outreach and dialogue. Your advice and perspective is welcome.You can see more background on CrowdDoing's Wildfire Prevention Derivatives initiative and our research, development and radical collaboration efforts in this regard here: Document recap: recap, Video recap:,

Global Catastrophic Wildfire Risk Prevention Alliance

Co-led by & CrowdDoing Prevention Derivatives

The earth is burning; e.g., USA/California, Brazil, Australia. Regional impacts of wildfires are widespread affecting health, housing, agriculture, biodiversity, and economies. Our post hoc “pay for damage done” insurance strategies are woefully inadequate for these rising challenges. 

We need to seize the opportunity that is now possible. We think the science has gotten better, and a new inflection point is possible.  If we leverage a broader diversity of disciplines with increasing bearing on the intractable challenge of catastrophic wildfire prevention, we can reclaim collective agency. We think that could be possible via increased design science for prevention, mitigation and loss reduction at the landscape and community level. 

 We plan to develop a year-round alliance of ecosystem partners that can help us transformationally scale catastrophic wildfire risk prevention through better understanding of the opportunities for “action” that is preventative and the costs of inaction that these mitigation steps will avoid. We believe that systemic change in wildfire risk reduction is possible and want to speak about the possibility of strategic collaboration to shift the practice of stakeholders at risk so that California does not become increasingly unliveable every year. We believe catastrophic wildfire risk prevention can help us get ahead of the curve counteracting these harms. 

CrowdDoing is launching a year-round virtual Global Alliance for Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention with shared values and an open invitation for participation. 

Global Alliance for Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention

Shared Principles:

  • More reuse of global knowledge regarding how to prevent catastrophic wildfires is necessary.
  • We need greater leveraging of knowledge from across disciplines in order to prevent the growing risk of catastrophic wildfires due to climate change. 
  • We need greater collaboration both locally and globally to achieve the community level goal of regeneration and reduced catastrophic wildfire risk. 
  • There is interdependence across the ecosystem of approaches and interventions for preventing catastrophic wildfires. 
  • The more upstream we can intervene effectively to prevent catastrophic wildfires, the more co-benefits for stakeholders we can create. 

 Document recap: recap, Video recap:, 


UN SDGs of relevance to the Global Alliance for Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention:

#Envision2030 Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination

Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks

“#Envision2030 Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all

By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally

By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes”

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

By 2030, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements

By 2030, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally

By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world

 Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species

Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems. Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation”








Catastrophic Wildfire Prevention Alliance hosted by CrowdDoing